Thursday, November 28, 2013

Energy from the United Arab Emirates to the United Kingdom

Or was it the United Kingdom to the United Arab Emirates? Within the palace walls in Abu Dhabi hangs a picture of the first oil deal made in the Middle East. This was long before Saudi Arabia was even a country. The UAE was merely a territory too, not a country, owned by the Brits. The photograph captures a well-dressed English man pointing to a paper, where a shepherd wearing a headdress is signing. There are sheep in the background witnessing the event. The current Emir of Dubai pointed to the shepherd and tells his guests, "that is my great grandfather." The English man pictured was from British Petroleum.

103 years later, Dubai hosted the World Energy Forum in 2012, the same year London hosted the Summer Olympics at the ExCel Convention Center. The ExCel Center was built by the Emir of Dubai and is the largest convention center in London. The ExCel owners attended the Energy Forum in Dubai last year and begged World Energy Forum to come to England. World Energy Forum is pleased to announce that World Energy Forum 2014 will be held in London, United Kingdom, addressed by His Highness Prince Charles, Crown Prince of the United Kingdom. Sometimes commercial incentives transcend political discord. Sometimes age-old partnerships revitalize hundreds of years later, and we stand back and witness nations unite once again.

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